
Insights From Analytics + Data Science Thinkers and Doers

  •   Technology

    Believe the Hype: Real-World Data on Generative AI Adoption and Perception

  •   What's New

    How Generative AI and Governance Help Scale Enterprise Analytics

  •   Strategy

    Automating BI: Breaking Down Bottlenecks with Artificial Intelligence

  •   People

    Why You Need a Centralized Data Science Team

36 resources
Technology Aug 8, 2024
Why Smart Accounting Teams Are Optimizing Their Data Stacks
Discover the top four reasons tax and accounting teams are optimizing their data stacks.
People May 28, 2024
How to Pitch Alteryx to Your Boss
Show your manager how you can help expand analytic capacity at your organization.
People Mar 13, 2024
McLaren’s Tech Leader Shares Winning Strategies
McLaren’s use of Alteryx is a great example of how a modern data stack can solve both the technical needs of IT and the needs of the busin...
People Feb 21, 2024
Democratization or Governance? You’re Asking the Wrong Question
Why governance makes democratization a valuable business driver.
Strategy Nov 29, 2023
A Drivable Data Stack: How Self-Service Analytics Extracts Higher ROI with AWS 
A car can have the most powerful engine on the track, but it doesn’t matter if it is hard to drive.  The same thing goes for your data s...
Technology Nov 22, 2023
What’s Your CIO Archetype? Design a Data Stack that Reflects Your Leadership Style
Every CIO is dealing with unique tradeoffs, which is why it can be helpful to identify which archetype fits you.
Strategy Aug 7, 2023
How to Build a Modern Data Stack That People Can Actually Use
A modern data stack is only as good as your ability to use it, and data stacks today often miss the mark when it comes to usability. Here ar...
People Jun 12, 2023
Inspiring Leaders to Become More Data Driven
Unlock the true business value of investments and move beyond operational efficiency to strategic impact and tangible business outcomes.
Technology May 16, 2023
Introducing Alteryx Analytics Cloud Plans
If you have workflows on the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform, try automating your data pipelines using Alteryx Analytics Cloud Plans.
Strategy Apr 24, 2023
3 Biggest Things on the Minds of Digital Transformation Leaders Right Now
I recently spent a day in a room with 30 digital transformation leaders. If you’ve ever wanted to be a fly on the wall – read on!