The Analytics Platform Trusted By Enterprise IT

Scale AI analytics with a proven model for business adoption.


Leading IT Departments Choose Alteryx

Nearly half of the global 2000 use Alteryx to scale analytics while meeting robust governance requirements.


How Alteryx Helps IT Drive Business Value

With Alteryx, business users own their analytics journey while IT maintains visibility and governance. IT leaders can use Alteryx to expand self-service analytics to more people, aligning with current governance processes and preferred analytics architecture.


Deploy confidently

IT leaders across highly regulated industries trust Alteryx for analytics governance, including banking, healthcare and financial services.

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Integrate your data

Get an analytics platform that evolves with your data strategy and integrates with your tech stack, from on-premises, to hybrid and cloud.

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Scale adoption

Increase enterprise-wide user adoption with a business-friendly tool that scales to thousands of users.

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AI and the Data Stack

Are IT teams and their data stacks ready for generative AI? We surveyed 3,100 IT leaders about their data stacks, organizational structure, and approaches to data strategy.

Video Embed

McLaren Isn’t Just a Race Team. It’s an Enterprise Business

See McLaren Racing Head of Commercial Technology, Ed Green and Alteryx CIO Trevor Schulze in conversation on the power of the modern data stack and how Alteryx helped McLaren set a pit stop world record.


Recommended Resources

Alteryx Data Scorecard

Take this quick assessment to understand your organization's data maturity and get tips on how to make improvements.

Take the Assessment
All Aboard: Your Travel Guide to Modernizing the Data Stack

Generate revenue and create growth even with disruption with a customer-centric supply chain.

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4 Ways to Get Started with Generative AI for Enterprise Analytics

Discover how Generative AI can reshape your enterprise analytics, saving time, ensuring accurate documentation, and revealing new business opportunities.

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Increasing Your Cloud ROI

While companies might flock to the cloud to drive more business value, the ROI on their cloud migrations are often lacking. Learn the 7 plays to enhance cloud ROI.

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