The Power of the Merge: Bringing Together The Best of Data and Analytics

A integração do Trifacta e do Alteryx permite que todos na sua empresa obtenham os insights necessários a partir dos dados. 

Technology   |   Adam Wilson   |   Apr 11, 2022 TIME TO READ: 4 MINS

I recall an old ad campaign for Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups whose tagline was “Two great tastes that taste great together.” 

Two great things coming together to create a new, better thing? That’s what I call the power of the merge.

And there are two examples of this power of the merge I want to share:

  1. The merging of two data and analytics powerhouses, Trifacta and Alteryx, to help our customers drive their analytics transformation at scale
  2. The merging of two critical market studies from Dresner Advisory Services, Data Preparation and Data Integration Pipelines, into a single 2022 Data Engineering Market Study, the first of its kind

It turns out one merger validates the other. I’ll explain.

Trifacta and Alteryx Combine to Help Every Worker Get the Insights They Need From Their Data 

The powerful combination of Trifacta and Alteryx brings together Trifacta’s game-changing integrations and cloud-native capabilities with Alteryx’s industry-leading analytics solution. Trifacta anchors and accelerates Alteryx’s journey to the cloud and opens new categories of users across IT within large enterprises. Together, Trifacta and Alteryx advance the development of an integrated end-to-end, low code/no code analytics automation platform in the cloud. 

I couldn’t be more proud of this formidable new entity we’ve created together. No other company is better suited to meet the analytics needs of its customers. We’re going to propel analytics forward. 

The power of this combination emanates from a single, shared goal: analytics for all: empowering every worker to get the insights they need from their data. We believe data analytics should be accessible to everyone. Trifacta focuses on the democratization of data engineering. Alteryx focuses on the democratization of analytics. When data analytics are accessible to everyone, everyone wins, from IT to lines of business. 

Dresner Merges Two Reports to Recognize Data Engineering

Dresner Advisory Services also demonstrated the power of the merge in 2022. This respected industry analyst combined two of its earlier market studies, Data Preparation and Data Integration Pipelines, into a new independent research report debuting this year: the 2022 Data Engineering Market Study

And I’m delighted to announce Dresner ranked Alteryx/Trifacta as the top data engineering vendor in its first-ever data engineering study.

Data engineering is recognized as a stand-alone space for the first time in this new study. It explores market requirements and priorities for data orchestration, integration, and transformations including advanced analytics in the data engineering pipeline workflow. 

Like other Dresner market studies, its research is exhaustive. Dresner surveyed a diverse cross-section of 6,000 organizations worldwide to review data engineering market trends, dig deep into end-user requirements and features, and rank 28 data engineering vendors.

I encourage you to read the full study, but here are some highlights:

  • Data engineering is important. Sixty-one percent of respondents indicate data engineering is “critical” or “very important.” It’s clear this technology is becoming an indispensable part of the 21st century business landscape.
  • Data engineering is popular. Sixty-three percent of respondents say their organizations use data engineering capabilities today, and 20% have plans to use data engineering tools within the next 12 months.
  • Data engineering approaches leave room for improvement. Only 20% percent of respondents rate their current approach to data engineering as highly effective.
  • Data engineering tools are versatile. Organizations often purchase and use data engineering tools for more than one use case. Some of the most common ones include data integration, cleansing, and building transformation workflows for data warehouses that support dashboards and reporting.
  • Data engineering tools are used across the organization. They’re no longer the domain of one department or function, validating Alteryx/Trifacta’s goal to democratize data analytics. Interestingly, executive management teams reported using data engineering constantly.

These highlights validate the need for the combination of Alteryx and Trifacta, and they confirm what we know: The success of your business depends on the success of your analytics program, and the success of your analytics depends on the success of your data engineering.

Dresner isn’t the only industry expert to see the premier value of Trifacta’s data engineering capabilities: the Data Breakthrough Awards recently named Trifacta the Data Transformation Solution of the Year. And, customers again ranked Trifacta a Leader in Data Preparation, Data Quality, and ETL Tools  with 9 different G2 Awards in Spring 2022. And, the power of Trifacta and Alteryx will only increase as we work toward delivering the world’s first data engineering-backed analytics solution. 

