Looking for a New Career? There’s Never Been a Better Time To Become a Data Analyst

People   |   Jason Belland   |   May 15, 2023 TIME TO READ: 3 MINS

If you’re between jobs or planning to re-enter the workplace after a career break, there are plenty of good reasons to become a data analyst. There is huge demand for these skills, entry level salaries are highly competitive, and there are plenty of opportunities for recognition and promotion.

Options for career changers

But what’s the best way to kick start your career in data analytics if you don’t have a background in information technology and statistics?  Some of the most popular options include:

Bootcamps: Intensive, immersive programs that can teach you the skills you need in a short period of time. Bootcamps are often more expensive than online courses and most require you to be available full-time to complete the course. You may also need to find affordable accommodation near to the training venue.

University programs: Some universities offer undergraduate or graduate programs in data analytics. These programs can provide you with a comprehensive education, but they can also be more expensive and time-consuming than other options.

Online courses: There are many online courses available that can teach you the skills you need to. These courses are often self-paced and can be completed at your own convenience.

Affordability and convenience for career changers

At Alteryx, we believe that online courses offer the greatest flexibility and value for career changers. That’s why we created our SparkED data analytics program which enables career changers to choose the training modules and schedule that suits their ambitions and lifestyle.

Participants also benefit from an at-no-cost 90-day license for Alteryx Designer. This world-leading workflow automation solution features a user-friendly interface that reduces dependency on coding and spreadsheet skills.

Participants enjoy first-hand experience of data preparation, blending and analytics with drag and drop capabilities that speed up every step of the process. While these skills are highly versatile and adaptable, they also open the door to opportunities in thousands of businesses worldwide which use Alteryx data analytics tools in the workplace.

From soft skills to hard data

The course also includes critical technical skills from the foundations of data analytics including maths and statistics to more advanced topics such as macro and app creation, spatial analysis, modeling, and predictive analytics. Soft skills also come under the spotlight, equipping participants with the critical faculties and language to ask the right questions of data – and future workplace colleagues.

SparkED participants can also tap into the Alteryx community and connect with fellow learners and graduates. They can help you overcome emotional and intellectual hurdles during the course and may even connect you with open data analytics roles. Last, but not least, learners can study at the pace that suits them best from several hours a day to a few hours per week. The course also includes micro-credentials and certifications that can be included in your LinkedIn profile and the qualifications section of your resume.

Above all, it’s good news for anyone who wants to re-boot their career in a fast growing sector. Recent research from LinkedIn lists data analytics as the sixth most in demand ‘hard skill’ for hiring roles in 2023. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the employment of operations and research analysts (including data analysts) is expected to grow 23% from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations. The numbers speak for themselves: There’s never been a better time to become a data analyst and transform your career.

Find out more about SparkED



