How AI is Transforming Alteryx

What's New   |   Alteryx   |   Jan 30, 2024 TIME TO READ: 3 MINS

It has become abundantly clear that artificial intelligence will power the future. Enterprise analytics will, too, which is increasingly being fueled by AI.

The average knowledge worker spends 16 hours a week reporting on, summarizing, or answering questions about their work. That’s 16 hours a week of not actually doing the work but explaining or communicating its value to others. Not ideal. Now imagine for a moment how AI and automation can remove the manual aspects of that reporting and free us up to do what we were hired to do. It will change the business landscape forever.

Alteryx and AI

AI has long been a part of the Alteryx platform (the foundation of AI is data, after all), and its influence continues to grow. Since 2019, we’ve added powerful new functionality around things like topic modeling, text summarization, and sentiment analysis. It’s not hyperbole to say that the future of Alteryx is AI.

With this in mind, we are officially announcing that the Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform is now the Alteryx AI Platform for Enterprise Analytics. This is not some radical left turn. At our core, Analytics for All is still our north star. We are still the same company with the same values, goals, and beloved solutions, and these solutions are now being accelerated and improved by AI.

Alteryx already provides the market-leading AI platform for enterprise analytics. Our AI is advanced, governed, trusted, and secure; “enterprise-grade” means it is transparent and auditable. And, of course, our platform is available on-prem, hybrid, and in the cloud. The Alteryx platform meets you where you are, but it’s also built for where you want to go in the future.

Looking ahead

Last year, we released AiDIN, the AI engine that infuses the power of generative AI and machine learning into our platform. Generative AI is taking the world by storm already: In our recent research, eighty-two percent of data leaders report that AI is already impacting what their respective organizations can achieve.

Figure 1 – Overall, how would you assess the level of impact that AI is currently having on achieving your goals?

We continue to invest in AI innovation, including generative and conversational AI, data preparation, advanced analytics, and automated reporting capabilities. Companies are using AiDIN to save 170 employee hours per month.

I needed to find a technical solution that empowers users to drive their insights themselves.

We wanted the name of our platform to reflect the problems it is solving. People are looking for their analytics to do what’s next, and we are well prepared, knowing that now is the time to fully lean into our AI future.

The AI Platform for Enterprise Analytics enables customers to innovate, automate and drive important business outcomes, including improve revenue performance, manage costs, and mitigate risks across their organizations. Preview the Alteryx platform in this short video and see AiDIN in action here.
