Improve analytics continuously through data-driven development, automated testing and before-and-after impact review of dashboards
Enable users to find deeper insights into data by making dashboards and reports more usable
Implement a data-driven process that eliminates the need to redo analytics projects
Not every analytics project meets the needs of business users, either because the dashboard or report is not usable or because it delivers no clear improvement in performance. Results include do-overs, abandoned efforts and a poor understanding of what makes projects successful or unsuccessful.
With an automated data connection and A/B testing, companies can launch different versions of analytics projects like dashboards simultaneously. They can compare usage of each version and decide how best to design their dashboards and reports. Even while studying multiple variables at a time, they can gauge the impact of each design decision on individual metrics and overall usage.
With Alteryx, you can:
1 – Data Connection
Use In-Database tools to transform dashboard usage data before it’s extracted, then automatically import that data for blending with external data sources
2 – Data Prep
Associate usage metrics with device information and blend that data into usable tracking metrics for comparing different versions
3 – Advanced Analytics
Uncover which design decisions most affect usage and incorporate findings to new versions of dashboards